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"Suuuuuuuper Official!"

For many out there on YouTube, the Food Review category is still a pretty new thing but if there's one Content Creator out there whom they associate with it, it's none other than the incomparable Daym Drops! With a highly entertaining and in-your-face approach to giving you the lowdown on the latest fast food and local food items out there, the Food Titan himself brings the heat 3 times a week and he does it with a fun intensity that keeps you engaged from beginning to end.

Right from his "Super Official" Food Review Intro, you know you're in for a ride and it's one that does not disappoint. With a Subscriber base approaching 600K and over 84M+ Total Page Views, Daym is a major force in the YouTube Food Review Community. I, like so many others, have been a fan of his work since my early days on YouTube and his influence in the Food Review game is undeniable so let's take a closer look at April's Featured Content Creator!

Daym's Five Guys Burgers and Fries Review

For many, it was Daym's famous Five Guys Burgers and Fries Review that got a lot of people's attention but it's abundantly clear by visiting Daym's Main Channel, found HERE, that he was was producing varied content regularly long before the meteoric rise of that very fun review! If anything, it was the exposure from that viral review that got people even more interested in his amazing personality and it was from that point on that the paradigm shift in his popularity took off. There's been no looking back since!

Shortly after that time, The Gregory Brothers released their single,Oh My Dayum, remixing key elements from Daym's Five Guys Review resulting in a smash hit online for both The Gregory Brothers and Daym. It's so popular, in fact, that its become synonymous with the Daym Drops brand thanks to its catchy beat which captures the very essence of the source material perfectly.

A Little Something For Everyone!

Under Daym Good Entertainment (D.G.E.) and with his popularity on the rise, Daym formed his branded network known to the YouTube Food Review Community as TEAM DAYM and it includes a varied array of Content Creators all "under one roof." Joey's World Tour, FoRbiDDen Food TV, Reggie Regg, Hellthy Junkfood, C Snacks, Beer Drank Shawty, among others, are all official members and the hashtag #TEAMDAYM unites them all with that consistent food related theme. That, along with his recent Foodie Fam Universe channel, found HERE, gives viewers an enhanced outlet for all things food related with rich content from a wide variety of other talented Reviewers within the community.

Aside from appearances on Jimmy Fallon, Dr. Oz, TMZ and his own limited series, 'Best Daym Takeout' that aired on Travel Channel, Daym is also now a Food Correspondent for the Rachael Ray Show bringing his charismatic personality and personal take on the food category to not just her live studio audience, but also to her viewers nationally around the country!

Daym Drops with Rachael Ray

New Britain High School: Speak My Life - Daym Drops

Daym also has expanded content outside of his normal Food Reviews as part of a separate Vlog Channel, found HERE, with a segment called REAL TALK. Here he gives his point-of-view on a variety of topics ranging anywhere from relationships, social commentary, and how to be successful to focusing on the positives in life while channeling your energy towards what's really important. It's an insightful ongoing series that promotes dialog and it's definitely something to watch.

On the topic of how to be successful, Daym was given the opportunity to speak to the Freshman Class of New Britain High School to discuss that and so much more while offering strategies on aspiring to greatness and making whatever your dreams are a reality. It's an excellent series where his life experience, what drives him and his positive motivations are all on display for a packed gymnasium filled with impressionable minds to soak up and learn from. Parts 1-3 can be viewed HERE, HERE and HERE.

Daym Drops Lemon Lime Energy Boost© Review

Shortly after I began my journey on YouTube, and after instantly becoming a fan of Daym, I took a look at one of the flavors from his Energy Boost© line of products he came out with while I was continuing to advance my editing skills. I was a newbie in the editing game at the time but as I began to craft the vision for my review, I finally took that first step to incorporate effects I hadn't used before to help illustrate and showcase the product.

It was great fun to film the review around the Rose Bowl here in Pasadena, CA, and it helped set the stage for the next technical level of my content. After it was finished, I sent the review directly to Daym and he enjoyed it so much that he introduced it to his audience which resulted in a lot of his fans taking a look at my channel. This was a big turning point for me.

VidCon 2015 - Anaheim, CA

Having communicated with Daym since that time, and as my own channel continued to grow, I had the opportunity to finally meet him in person at my first ever VidCon event that was held in Anaheim, CA, back in the Summer of 2015. Meeting up with Daym along with other Content Creators, whom I'm also a fan of as well, was an absolute blast. You could easily see that Content Creation was a passion with everyone there and we were all connected by that passion. There was just so much to talk about! Sitting in on a Content Creator panel and listening to what Daym had to say on all things YouTube was as entertaining and enlightening as you'd expect it to be. He's just as personable off-camera as he is on and it was great to meet him amongst all the show attendees.

Now as 2016 marches on, Daym Drops is teaming up with Ken Domik from KBDProductionsTV for the first ever CraveCon event set to take place on August 13th in Galveston, TX! The Food Review Community definitely has something to look forward to in August with an event that's designed to cater to the YouTuber who craves food, gaming, entertainment and the larger-than-life personalities found online! I'll be there as one of the invited guests along with many other familiar names in not just the Food Review category, but in various other entertainment circles on YouTube. You can find out more about the event by clicking HERE.

With all of Daym's amazing accomplishments up to this point, it's pretty clear that he's just getting started! As the YouTube Food Review Community grows more and more each day, it's the energy, passion and dedication Daym Drops continues to bring to it that helps elevate it even further. Make sure to click the links below to see what the Daym Drops Experience is all about and tell him Ian K sent 'ya!

Daym Drops Main Channel: Click HERE

Daym Vlogs: Click HERE

Foodie Fam Universe: Click HERE

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